Wednesday 17 June 2015


On first of June, 2015 I woke up to a shocking dream. It was a very powerful communication of the LORD. We were at a place waiting, it looked we were supposed to go somewhere but we not allowed I think symbolically that we were sinful. Just suddenly the moon mystery began, the moon appeared on the sky in half form and a writing also beheld beside it, 'Half Moon'
I then saw it transform to a full moon, and in the process the writing changed to 'Connecting'
It continued changing to different shapes as it was running at a very very high speed across the sky with the writing also changing until it became like two split sheet and then began falling, here it's colour was light red!
Then from where it began I saw heaven recede a man dressed in white in thick cloud appeared, and a slab was written beside him, on his left, 'HOLY Abraham the father of faith. let's meet in the ground'
After that those I was with began serious confession, and then we were allowed to pass through the gate.
There was also this message meanwhile, that Abraham appearance, the Muslims worship him, and they also worship moon which they must stop and believe in Christ JESUS for entry!!!!!!
Joel 2:31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and terrible day of the LORD.

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