Thursday 18 June 2015


This morning the 18th June 2015 at around 6am in the morning, I had a supernatural dream. The LORD presented to me a white woman whom I knew in the dream comes from US, and this woman was talking to me how she hates Kenyan prophets especially the Mighty End time Messenger Dr David Edward Owuor. I then objected this statement and she asked if there is any pending prophecy against US. And when I answered, it was an Holy Spirit inspired answer that, Indeed the LORD had used His servant to prophecy a tremendous earthquake coming to US and that so, a very big earthquake is coming to hit US. And that its a very big, horrendous earthquake.
The vision ended!!!!

NB: This earthquake has indeed been prophesied by the end time prophets of GOD that is Dr Owuor and Prophet Kevin Mirasi both from Kenya, and that it will be of a very big proportions and cause big toll and holocaust. It is also through the servants of Jehovah been revealed to as one of the sure events that if fulfilled, then we will really be at the verge of rapture; that rapture is hidden around their fulfillment. Other prophecies which their fulfillment also show this are Israeli-Iranian nuclear war, where Israel will attack Iran to destroy its nuclear facilities which will result to a war in the middle east, next is the partition of the Israeli land; where Israel is going to be forced to sign an agreement of peace and to divide its land.

And so all these end time events show the imminent rapture of the church and so let everybody everywhere on the face of the earth repent and return to JESUS in holiness. And makes sure s/he walks in holiness daily as s/he does not loose focus on the LORD.
 Matthew 24:7- For nations will rise against nations, and kingdoms against kingdoms. And there will be be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.
Daniel 12:1-.... and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation, even to that time your people shall be delivered, everyone who is found written in the book.

May the LORD bless you all

Mighty Father in the name of JESUS, I come before you in repentance acknowledging that I have lived a sinful life. I accept Jesus that you are from today may LORD and savior and please cleanse me with your precious blood. And LORD write my name in the Lamb's book of life. In the mighty name of JESUS I'm saved. Amen.

Shalom Shalom.
By Brother Calvins Ongele. 

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