Wednesday 17 June 2015


This morning of 20th of February, 2015 it was so amazing as I woke up. The onset of the dreams began as I realised I had a revelation that in the there was a prophet who had a daughter faithful to the LORD and so as I began walking in the bible to look for this prophet and of course the daughter, my spirit left and I found my self in a holy congregation, here a female ministered the word of GOD,welcomed an alter call and then prayed,I saw the power of the holy spirit come in a mighty way and touched the people. Secondly in the same church another female preacher again ministered and welcomed an alter call,suddenly the holy spirit visited again in a mightier way than the first one,and then they began a mighty worship honouring the Holy Spirit. Suddenly after that my spirit again flew and I found myself in another church where people were bowing and standing,holding hands and praying together,they were like catholics and I wondered how they worshipped idols.

Another matter totally where I was to register for a primary exam,kcpe,shockingly this dream has come now the third time. For all the time in this dream I have been escaping the exams due to other excuses. I therefore subject myself unto the LORD,let His holy will be done, and am praying get its divine revelation to prepare well for rapture.

Another matter the same night. It was like I got a revelation, I don't where from but I knew the whole content. It was like my spirit saw everything,where I saw a lady I don't had a name like Akoth. She had a husband that was disturbing her a lot,they lived in Nairobi. I saw her in one occasion walking behind a small corridor to look for her husband. Then is like the husband disappointed her and then she left going back,the I saw a whirlwind of fire rapturing the place. So I don't know whether this man and his friends he had there were consumed,it was like a suspense. I don't know all this what the LORD wanted me to understand but again I subject myself/heart/mind/conscious/instinct to His will,He is the creator and the source,knows everything, amen.

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