Monday 22 June 2015


Hallelujah to all in JESUS name, right now I want to share a very important message that can easily gear one towards the glorious rapture of the church. And so after this, one should ask his/herself if they qualify for entry!
 So the following are the hallmarks or bench marks for entry:
 1. They are unpopular in their behavior and choices of things, and do not fit well in conventionally man established churches and structures. This can also be understood from Psalms 1:1 where the LORD says, blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stands in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.
 2. Their prayer burden is to see the kingdom of GOD established,  hence materially they are poor and yet they don't even pray for material and wealth. This position they acquire through the help of the Holy Spirit who reveals to them the Scripture Matthew 19:24, that says it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of GOD.
 3. They choose holiness without compromise, thereby being branded and catalogued extremists, hard liners and at times called unrealistic fanatical Christians who try to achieve out of this earth levels of holiness. Genesis 39:9, Joseph refuses to admit sexual sin and even among his brothers who brands him a dreamer, he remains one who doesn't compromises his stand.
 4. They speak correction to the church demanding repentance on defilement. We see Nathan not fearing the position of David as a king but rebukes him and passes serious judgement on him in 2Samuel 12:9.
 5. They exhibit 'strange' behaviours eg wearing a sackcloth and and putting ash on their faces while fasting in today's modern world;  and repenting over the rampant sexual sin in the church. Luke 9:48, JESUS explains how only those who exhibit humility will inherit the kingdom.
 6. This separation from mainstream and man established churches is the work of the HOLY Spirit who actually sets them a part from defilement, so they can be glorious rapture ready bride of Christ, in heaven, they are treasured by JEHOVAH GOD because without them, Christ has no perfect bride at all. In Matthew 3 from verses one, we see John withdrawing/separating himself from the family for the sake of holiness.
 7. They are often sad people in their outlook, a people whose appearance may often be disfigured and unappealing to the world especially during fastings, and if they are ladies, their dressing may be unusually long even at work places. Their being disfigured and unattractive to the world makes them rapture ready Christians, Christ like in character because the glorious bride of Christ is usualy Christ like. John 14:17, the Bible says, the Spirit of truth. The world, can not accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him....
 8. They are all the time not attractive to man and the world. This is likewise as evident in Genesis 39 where Joseph become unattractive to his brothers because of his choice of holiness.
 9. They face rejection in church and are outside the church. John the  Baptist and Elijah the prophet operated outside the church.
 10. They are seperated people from rampant sexual sin with the congregation and at the churches or places of worship (1Corinthians 6:12-20) lusting for money, false prophesies, lies and deception, slander, gossip, perversion.
 Hence from above, it is absolutely clear that the LORD is saying that for anyone to make it into rapture, they must wear immortal bodies that one can only get by being rejected by the church and hence operating outside the church. Hence it's not surprising that John the Baptist who came as the raptured Spirit of Elijah operated completely outside the church despite his father being a priest/Bishop. Prophet Elijah himself was raptured because, he operated outside the church in caves and ravines. The killing of the flesh is a prerequisite for anyone to be raptured and can only occur outside the man made institutions of church, because it's only outside the church that there is wilderness of repentance and holiness,  hence fulfilment of the book of Leviticus 23 verses 25, Do no regular work, but present offering made to the LORD by fire.

Shalom blessings all as you prepare for the glorious rapture! I have seen the Messiah's coming and it's so imminent though nobody knows the day nor the hour!!!
 Mighty Father in the name of our saviour JESUS, I come before you in repentance acknowledging that I'm a sinner. Please cleanse me with the blood of JESUS and establish your word of righteousness and holiness in my heart. LORD help me become a rapture ready Christian fulfilling all the qualities and please write my name in the Lamb's book of life. LORD help with the HOLY Spirit to guide me. In JESUS name I'm saved and you are my LORD, JESUS. Amen.

 Brother Calvins Ongele.

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