Sunday 21 June 2015


In the morning of 21st June 2015, the LORD showed me a dream about very major distresses on US and Venezuela and even Kenya.
 The first part of it, I saw myself I saw myself lifted and was facing the nation of Venezuela, then I felt in my heart a very powerful conviction of the HOLY Spirit and then I shouted, "war and fire on you!"
And as I was still contemplating about what I had just decreed, I was made to understand that even USA now is ready for judgement,  that their wrath is full to the brink and so this would come on them and likewise Kenya.

The second part of the  communication, I was on my way to worship the LORD in His temple, an evening sacrifice. Then I felt the power of the LORD touch me and I began pleading with the LORD asking him,"LORD why do only JESUS appear in my dreams?  Why haven't I ever seen you? "
 Then, He reflected me back to a time I was young that indeed He once showed Himself to me and at this time,  I saw Him in a Cloud of Glory high in the sky and I believed that it was Him GOD the Father and I was so broken. After I had viewed the Glory, I saw a Mighty Glorious Hand come from the cloud and at this time I had been lifted above the earth as I could see the spherical nature of the earth. The Hand then touched the earth and almost all the earth shook even where I was shook terribly. And I knew the epicenter was USA. And then I woke up and revered the GOD of Moses so much. And in this dream, there was preparation, I was about to go and preach in North America.

And so the message of the LORD is this, let each and every person on the face of the earth repent and turn away from sin!!
 Let Americans repent, let the people of Australia repent, Asia including China, Russia, New Zealand etc , All Europe including UK,  Canada and even South America, even the people of Africa including Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa and everywhere repent in Christ JESUS while there is still time. The Bible says let us serve him who called us when there is still time, night is coming when nobody will be able to do the work of the LORD.
 And so anywhere you are, avoid all sins including homosexuality, lesbianism, masturbation, pornography and all manners of sexual perversions, even the nudity and immorality at the beaches must now stop, lies, gossip, pride and all other sins the LORD is saying it's now time to serve Him in holiness and righteousness, the MESSIAH is coming and He is not delaying anymore!!!

 Revelation 11:13 And at that very hour, there was a severe earthquake and a tenth of the city collapsed....

 Daniel 12:1.... And there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation, even to that time...
 Matthew 24:9 Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.

 Mighty Father in the name of our Savior JESUS, I repent before you now acknowledging all my sins. LORD forgive me, wash me with the precious blood of JESUS as I accept Him as my Savior and please establish your word of righteousness and holiness in my life. LORD write my name in the Lamb's book of life and send me your HOLY Spirit to guide me in this walk. In JESUS mighty name, I am saved. AMEN.


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