Friday 19 June 2015

I think this now has reached a climax on the throne of GOD and Kenya must just obey the word of the LORD of complete repentance. Indeed the LORD has two major servants (Prophet Dr Owuor and Prophet Kevin Mirasi), and for sure to a nation that is given much, much is expected. We must now obey every word that comes out of His prophets and that to go back to the LORD in repentance as Nineveh did.
The morning of today 19th June 2015, I had a terrific dream and in fact when I woke up I panicked a lot and is like the high rate of terrorism Kenya is nowadays experiencing is not yet enough since only a few have learned a lesson. I found myself in a room and all of a sudden the terror alarm reached. I quickly alerted the others and massively when we reached the gate  of the institution we were in, we realized they had arrived at the gate and so we turned our directions backwards fleeing from the terror, and it was very difficult for us to escape and I woke up and I could not even sleep the rest of the dawn, it was around 4:20 am local time.

And this issue of terrorism is so rampant in my dreams as have been revealed by the LORD. The following are the links to other same visions:

And this same night, I saw the LORD presented before me a computer and we were scrolling down the names of those whom terror attacks were going to affect, suddenly I reached my name and beside it I saw written "safe" as opposed to others' which were written killed. This can only mean that these terrorism can and will only affect the people whose walk with Christ is questionable meaning if you are an oil and wine church/a church walking in holiness then nothing will harm you!
 Revelation 16:1, Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, 'Go and pour the bowls of the wrath of God on the earth'
Psalams 91:8, Surely He will deliver you from the snare of the Fowler and from perilous pestilence
So let everybody who is alive return to the LORD JESUS in repentance and holiness and surely His grace will be poured on man. Anybody who is not yet saved can repeat this prayer in faith:

 Mighty Father in the name of our savior LORD JESUS, I come before you in sincere repentance and acknowledging that I've been sinful and now accepting JESUS as my savior. Please wash me with the blood of JESUS and please write my name in the Lamb's book of life. In JESUS name I am saved, amen.

Brother Calvins Ongele

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