Sunday 28 June 2015


Hallelujah to all,
 I want at this hour to share a very explicit warning to the USA. After reading this may you make your personal decisions and wail for USA, repent on her behalf and people living in her; for the inhabitants of USA are going to know that Jehovah GOD the Creator is the one who gave them the:  strong economy, wealth, power to be a superpower nation and of course protected her from any aggression that could let her desolate,  but now they will understand the difference when the GIVER, PROVIDER AND PROTECTOR has withdrawn His aid and support.
 The nation of USA is one of the countries that whose foundation was in the LORD but now has turned against the One who laid their foundation and so it's blatant they expect unprecedented retaliations. That's undeniably a-must-revenged betrayal!!

 On 24th October last year 2014, I had a vision of the night and in this vision in a nutshell, I saw a white heavy plain that was from the eastern part of the earth to the west. And a voice spoke from that plain and I knew according to the dream that it was going to pour the wrath of GOD all over the world,  the voice said, "Distress in Nigeria, Distress in the whole world, the whole world is exposed,  hell in the world."
 Then I saw the plane move towards west.

2. On 17th May 2015, I found myself in California, USA and I saw the filth that was in the church, USA. They have stopped holiness and preaching it (while rebuking sin) but instead worship their wealth like I saw one pastor boasting of his wealth and how the church members become unfaithful to the LORD and walk in sexual sin but their pastor does not rebuke them.
So the church USA has fallen!!
 And I saw caterpillar tractors trying to correct the situation after a heavy destructive flooding.

3. On 18th June 2015, I saw the presented before me a USA lady and she was saying how she hates Kenyan prophets ie Prophet Dr Owuor, she hates those who are telling her, her sins and telling her to repent. And then she asked me of any pending prophecy against USA and I told here yes and described to her in the dream how a horrendous earthquake is soon coming to hit USA. And that this prophet she hates has a pending prophecy against USA about a mega earthquake that indeed will bring USA on its kneels.

4. On 21st June 2015, I saw a vision I can term as the climax of all the visions. In the vision, first part I saw the LORD say the wrath to out-pour on USA soon is now full to the brim, and so judgement is soon beginning. Then the voice of the LORD said, war and fire on them.
 The second part,  I saw the LORD GOD Himself descend from heaven inform of a cloud and I saw a Glorious Hand come out and touched the earth and almost the whole earth shook with the epicenter being California. The earthquake was so huge and of a historic proportion that it caused great Holocaust and toll.

NB: One can read these visions explicitly just in this web as I published them publicly. Here I've just re-shared them in briefs.

 1. USA has turned against the LORD by legalizing same sex marriage and transgender. All along, the LORD has been on their side but when they wanted to make such a weird decision, they didn't consult the LORD and so sinned!!!!
 2. US has been the center where sharp preparations for after-rapture events takes place ie Obamacare that has just been passed in their supreme court.
 3. USA dared turn against Israel: They first turned against Israel by pleasing Iran and then purporting to divide the holy land of Israel that was given to them way back in Abraham's time. And so they have aroused the LORD to anger!!
 4. In US, you will find all types of the sexual intercourse including sex parties, lesbianism, pornography productions that have corrupted morals over the whole world, gay, bestiality, nudity in the beaches and all types of perversions; so the LORD is coming to tell US that, 'enough is enough' by coming Himself and not even sending His Son/our LORD JESUS.
 5. US hosts many false prophets, pastors, apostles, teachers, evangelists, bishops who lead the sheep astray.

 And so let USA rather prepare their land for the wrath of GOD that is to befall them and bring them to nothing but a poor nation.
NOTE:  Let each save  him/herself such that when the wrath comes the LORD may exclude them.

 Revelation 18:19, They will throw dust on their heads, and with weeping and mourning cry out: "Woe! Woe, O great city, where all who had ships on the sea became rich through her wealth!  In one HOUR she has been brought to RUIN...."

 Mighty Father in the precious name of JESUS.
 I ask you GOD, Savior of mankind to forgive me, wash me with the blood of JESUS and establish your word of righteousness in me.
 Fill me with HOLY Spirit to help me avoid all evil and direct me towards your kingdom.
 LORD save me when you pour your wrath on earth and please write my name in the Lamb's book of life.
 In JESUS name, I am saved and set free.  Amen.


 Brother Calvins Ongele.

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