Tuesday 16 June 2015



Two days ago, I saw a vision of the LORD. In this vision the LORD placed me in a place I was conversing with some people and I think they were from USA. As I was explaining to them the imminent coming of the LORD JESUS,they were shocked as they were telling me their pastor has never taught them such like things. I was also shocked and told them, then it must be very serious if the church is not taught such a critical teaching!! As a pop up, I found myself in a church and I was preaching to them about how they can love the LORD best and having maximum faith even to an a point of sacrificing to him their sleep just to be found in HIS house. According to the vision, this could bring massive healing in the church.
So the message to the church is this: In Hebrews 11, we find how GOD talks about faith and how those who had faith like Abraham, Enoch etc excelled in life. These people loved GOD more than anything, any person in their life. When GOD tested Abraham to sacrifice his son, we find Abraham loving the blesser (God) more than the blessing (Isaac). And this is what the current church has failed to do. They love the blessing more than the blesser. First example, the wisdom, clothes, vehicles, etc all these that man prides in come from the LORD the Creator, such that if he decides to cut, then nobody has any say against that. So for the LORD to communicate in such a way, He is essentially asking the church from leadership to the congregation to devout to Him all their life and love Him most. We are much aware of the time, we live that the LORD JESUS is at anytime can come for the church, and without the first love and holiness as Enoch did it in Genesis 6, the church will not enter! So everybody anywhere let us love GOD and in holines for Hebrews 12:14 is very clear that for without holiness, no man will see the LORD.
May the LORD blessed you as you prepare for the Lord's coming in holiness.
 Shalom Shalom.

You can repeat this prayer by faith if you are not saved or want to renew it.
Father in the mighty name of JESUS,
At this hour I accept I have been a sinner and have fallen short of your Glory but now I renounce all my evil and accept JESUS as my LORD and saviour, establish also your word of holiness and righteousness in me and help me have perfect faith in you.
LORD wash me with the blood of JESUS and write my name in the Lamb's book of life, and please also you send to me your Holy Spirit to guide me. In JESUS' name, I am saved. Amen.

 Feel free to contact me, especially if you've received the LORD for the first time through this email; calvinsshalom@gmai.com

May the LORD bless you all!
Brother Calvins Onyango Ongele

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